Do you struggle with Imposter Syndrome?

Did you know it's literally impossible to be an imposter when you're being your authentic self?

Think about it. You can't pretend to be yourself. You can only be yourself. It's so risk free and simple (and wonderful), isn’t it?!

So. The only time you're truly at risk of proving the fear of being an imposter right is when you're trying to be like someone else.

I like to keep this quote in my back pocket on the days one of my clients struggles with this phenomenon:

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”
— Joseph Campbell

There's a real, genuine rabbit hole here I see many many go down: What if I'm right? What if you can't pretend to be yourself?

But what if being yourself means you'll be rejected, exposed as a fraud (for all those years you've spent pretending to be like everyone else), and the fabric of your world unravels as you know it?

Well, I say: Good!

If you are living a lie (even partially), wouldn't it be better to get rid of all that fear and contorting and start living in alignment with the truth of who you are?

Is it possible that the truth of who you are, once fully realized and actualized, will attract to you the life you actually want?

Is it possible that who you are at your essence is a creation of the divine and that there are zero mistakes in that creative process?