Everybody has a reactivity blueprint. Not everybody knows they do.

If you had asked me before I started all this deep inner work myself what my reactive behavior looked like I would have looked at you like you were nuts.

Not only would I have probably tried to convince you I didn't have reactive behavior (because to me, that meant over-reactions and I was way too self-controlled to over-react), but I also wouldn't have totally understood the question.

Which presents one of my most dominant reactive behaviors: defensiveness and denial when I didn't know the answer.

If you were to ask me if I knew the signs of nervous system dysregulation in my body, or the impact of my limiting beliefs on my interpretation of reality, my relationships, and my sense of satisfaction in life, I would study you intently and then give you the answer I thought you were looking for, long before admitting that I didn't know, or that I might believe things which could be negatively impacting me or my relationships with others at all. I didn't realize I did any of that until I was about 33.

Meanwhile I felt spiteful, resentful, or resigned about every relationship within my family of origin, and self-righteous and validated in my superiority amongst my fellow stressed-out high-achieving friends.

I was living in a vacuum, and had created a world where I was never going to get the feedback my heart and soul needed to expand and grow.

The point is, most people don't know this stuff and unconsciously create lives which prevent them from knowing it. If you do know this stuff and have let it turn you inside-out, you're lucky. If you don't, you're amongst the majority which have not been given essential emotional intelligence skills which afford you the ability to create the life you want to be living instead of the life which was bestowed upon you from your parents or culture.

You are not as stuck as you think you are in that thing you feel stuck in. Your frustrated relationships are not hopeless (okay, sometimes they are and it's time to cut the cord).

Unbound starts tomorrow. This three month journey to knowing yourself totally is designed specifically to unlock all the stuck and frustrated places within so you can thrive in your life. This process changed my life totally, has changed the lives of each of my clients, and will change your life, if you let it.

Will you join me?

(a limited number of reduced-fee scholarships are available to those in need.)